Monday, 30 April 2012

The Queensberry Hotel, Bath

A dear ol' school chum let us know that she's stayed at The Queensberry Hotel in that most Jane Austenish of cities BATH. At that very hotel she's seen some of our Monkey lampshades. We think Bath is a right classy place and KNEW that The Queensberry must be quite, quite lovely.

This is Lauren, who runs The Queensberry.  You can tell to look at her that she's delightful, and a woman of great taste and discernment.

Lauren chose this monkey shade for the bar.....
and what a lovely bar it is...
Our chum said it was a rather gorgeous hotel and had a great time (with a gorgeous man apparently, harrumph).  I wonder if she and Mr Gorgeous had a cocktail made by the shakin' barman (above) - if so  I imagine it would have been something classy, a Sidecar or a Negroni perhaps; I do hope it wasn't anything tawdry like a Slippery Nipple.

Have a look at the Queensberry's website - its rather good and has a little purple dancing feller on it.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Clown Tea Towel

As if we haven't got enough tea towel designs...
A recent trip to see Zippo's circus was the deciding factor - hence the inclusion of the sexy Gaucho Gabriel Carmona ( bottom row on the right) who did hot and dirty things with flailing Argentinian banging twirlers (they probably have a better Spanish name)

He also doubled up as the photographer during the interval when the children lined up to be snapped with a tiny horse no bigger than a chunky golden labrador and about the same colour. Gabriel's Gaucho poise was not compromised by this activity, and he affected an impressive lunge whilst photographing each child.

Anyway, our clownish tea towel will be available in due course then you can all have a little bit of Gaucho in your kitchen.


Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Royal Dressage Tea Towels

Ta da! They've arrived!

Fetchingly modelled here by Marie Rodgers and Nesba Crenshaw,
tea towels to celebrate the ol' Jubilee and Olympics that we are having happen all around us in Greenwich/London/England.

And see - It appears they've got some children to make the horse-jumps in Greenwich park out of matchsticks.

Involving the community. Sweeeet.

Available from the Lush Designs shop at 8 College Approach in Greenwich and very soon at