May we present our lovely, pure cotton, made-in-England with-buttons-oh-yes, Cottages and Castles design addition to our bedlinen range. It looks jim dandy with Lush Designs Centaur pillowcases or our romantic LOVE pillowcases

So new is this fabulous product that I haven't had time to take a proper photograph yet and some of you may have noticed that this is a photoshopped 'artists impression' of a duvet cover. You can see the real thing at the Lush Designs shop at 8 College Approach in Greenwich. Until we've included them on our website all enquiries should be addressed to us at info@lushlampshades.co.uk.
These are beautiful! How much will the duvet cover be? Looking forward to seeing it in your shop ;-)
ReplyDeleteThey are £68 in the shop x