Regular observers of the Lush Designs output will have observed that we simply adore our feathered friends...

NEW!!! Stupendous OWL shade in extry BIG size. Here shown in metallic gold and cream,
Suitable for ladylike types and actual bonafide ladies.

Lush Designs Birdsong tea towel
Imagine the magnificently macabre sight of this poor fellow getting pecked away like a corpse hanging outside Newgate jail.

Lush Designs Birdsong tea towel
If you like to feed the dickie birds, visit Hen and Hammock a sweetly named website with lots of tasteful gardeny-homey gifts (they sell Lush Designs tea towels too)http://www.henandhammock.co.uk/

Or this lovely shiny ceramic ball feeder
Hen and Hammock have a prize draw (HURRAH!) for those who "like" their facebook fan page.
Go to it people! .... http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hen-and-Hammock/180551188657316