An interesting thing happened the other day. I found our old pal Terry Datson on facebook whom we haven't seen for over twenty years. Terry lives in Ireland and has a band called The Taxmen ( Check out their swingin' grooves.
Many years have come and gone and his once flaming red hair is now snowy white.
In the olden days Terry had a marvellous band called Fatz Datz and the Kool Katz. We designed this cheery poster for them in about 1832 when Margaret Thatcher was in power and we all needed cheering up.
ANYWAY - we now discover that Tel's only been and gone and had the Kat from that old poster indelibly depicted on his manly (freckly) arm.
Bet he never thought we'd find him on facebook and demand a design fee!
Not really, Tel. We love being immortalised on your arm. XXX

Eeech! Ouch! Ooch!

Et Voila!

That is a great story! And as tats go, pretty cool.