Last century, before we were
Lush Designs, we called ourselves first
"Rodgers and Livings, artists to the stars" and subsequently
Jugnost. (Later we became Lushlobes and only after that did we morph into Lush Designs)
In New Cross, South East London, home of Lush designs, there used to be a rather magnificent Victorian bath house called Laurie Grove. Its now part of Goldmith's University, but in the good old days when it was till wet we used it to test out some aquatic performance art costumes we had created. Note the authentic goldfish type colours

Cutting edge aquatic performance art

Just like a real fish! (ish)

What were these costumes for? A good question!
They were commissioned by the late great Ken Campbell, writer, direstor, surrealist, enfant terrible.
We never saw the actual performance.
Here's Ken looking a bit bonkers, which is a true reflection of his actual personality.

Kenneth Victor Campbell (10 December 1941 – 31 August 2008)
Sadly missed