A big hello to all you wunnerful people who dig our super-fancy designs. We're going to tell you what's new at Lush Designs and show you some of the things that we get excited about - including the work of our talented friends - yes, even the ones we're terribly jealous of.
For people who don't know us you can see (and buy) Lush Designs products at www.lushlampshades.co.uk.
We've had a studio at Cockpit Arts in Deptford for so long I think we could be described as venerable elders.
We've only had our shop in beautiful, historic Greenwich for a year, but of course SE10 is our second favourite borough so we're quite settled in there. If you're down that way (you can get there by boat of course) pop in and say hello, we're next to The Admiral Hardy pub in Greenwich Market.